Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Why do I get the girly gun?
I’m starting to be less and less concerned for your well being, because you obviously want to kill me.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 17:57
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Because vibrators can't mow the lawn
Top 10 Things Men Know About Women
Labels: Muse
'Ain at 18:27
Relationships made easy
The common name black widow spider specifically belongs to the eastern species Latrodectus mactans. Latrodectus hesperus is very similar to the true black widow.
Female black widows are generally found on their irregularly-shaped webs near the ground. Favored locations, once identified, can routinely be predicted to contain a spider, even if the occupant is regularly removed. The female requires a shaded, secluded resting place where she spends the daylight hours if her web is constructed in an open area.
Mating is an elaborate process that begins when a wandering male encounters the webbing of a female. The female black widow spider's webbing contains a pheromone that identifies her to the male. The male approaches the female cautiously while sending vibratory messages to her through her web. If she is receptive, she will remain motionless long enough for the male to deposit sperm in her genital opening. After insemination, the male usually lingers on the female's web until
she eats him. This
sacrifice contributes nutrients to eggs that the male's sperm will posthumously fertilize.
Currently playing: Carly Simon - You're So Vain
Labels: Muse, Relationships
'Ain at 17:44
Thursday, October 13, 2005
From the remote desk of…
I must’ve had four hundred thousand and ninety two things to do since I’ve last been here. I almost forgot this space even existed.
Last week, I was out with this Italian guy whose name remains anonymous and unpronounceable. My encounter with him was just another vicious cycle waiting to happen. I’m beginning to see a certain pattern in the type of men I attract – thus writing about it would be relatively redundant.
My weekend turned to shit because I had to work. I also had to sit through a session of karaoke with our Japanese and Hong Kong partners who were not only drunk and tone deaf, but who also had the ability to make the Village People look even worst than they already were.
I’m pretty sure this wasn’t in my job description. I’m thinking, if this goes on, I’m gonna develop agoraphobia or something, and have a psychoanalyst tapping at my brain.
Work is more exhausting now that I'm handling more things apart from PR. I feel like I’ve met a million people over the last 2 weeks – and that I just really need to dive into a black hole and hide for a while.
Last night, I went down to two classes of yoga (back to back), had Chandra crack my shoulders and spine, and ended my night off in the steam bath. Such are the things I relish.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 15:55
Monday, October 03, 2005
In search of some kind of sanctuary
I’ve pretty much had enough of quibbling and ranting about how exhausting and socially demanding my job really is. So tonight I’m going on a date with Suresh in the hopes of restoring my inner peace, spirituality and sanity (and shed a few pounds while I’m at it) i.e. I’m going for Yoga.
This is also a really good excuse to lavish in a steam bath and sip on hot green tea at the lounge on a Monday night.

Sat Nam, Namaste!
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 19:03