Thursday, October 20, 2005

Relationships made easy

The common name black widow spider specifically belongs to the eastern species Latrodectus mactans. Latrodectus hesperus is very similar to the true black widow.

Female black widows are generally found on their irregularly-shaped webs near the ground. Favored locations, once identified, can routinely be predicted to contain a spider, even if the occupant is regularly removed. The female requires a shaded, secluded resting place where she spends the daylight hours if her web is constructed in an open area.

Mating is an elaborate process that begins when a wandering male encounters the webbing of a female. The female black widow spider's webbing contains a pheromone that identifies her to the male. The male approaches the female cautiously while sending vibratory messages to her through her web. If she is receptive, she will remain motionless long enough for the male to deposit sperm in her genital opening. After insemination, the male usually lingers on the female's web until she eats him. This sacrifice contributes nutrients to eggs that the male's sperm will posthumously fertilize.

Currently playing: Carly Simon - You're So Vain

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'Ain at 17:44



at 01:22 Blogger Pygmaeus said...

That reads like you're procastinating too... And you don't even have any more exams! If not... should i worry about you? thanks for the luck anyways xx

at 06:00 Blogger Mad Munkey said...

I'm all for the female eating the male. LOL

at 06:01 Blogger Mad Munkey said...

Of course, the other way around is good too. :-)


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