Thursday, June 30, 2005
Insignificant Is An Understatement
The next person who whines to me about how unhappy life is making them will need their jaw wired shut. One in particular I may back over with the car a few times.
Look, if you can spend a couple of weeks being completely problem-free, you're either mentally challenged or abusing a controlled substance. So you've got some problems. Tell me, who doesn't? The difference is, most people don't define themselves by the many injustices and horrors inflicted upon them. Do something about it and move on already. Sure, I
could define myself by the shit that's happened to me, sure. I
could wallow in it. But I could also end up in restraints on a psych ward.
Life's too short, we're like the proverbial butterfly perched on a sequoia branch. Most of us don't even register on the cosmic scale. None of them get that there was no guarantee of happiness on our fucking birth certificates. Warrant your own fucking happiness and start taking some God-damned responsibility, then you'll probably justify a few seconds of breathing the atmosphere.
Otherwise, quit taking up space.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 16:59
Monday, June 27, 2005
Existential Discontent
I’m peevish today. I've crumbled into a complete psychotic mess. A deadline (totally uncalled for) contributed a lot to the peevishness. It’s a fucking Sunday for crying out loud. And it wasn’t alleviating at all that I had to wake up condemned to the ovaries with a menstrual cramp.
The client messed up most of the agreements, and she really wasn’t big on honesty. My email server was fucking up, and I had a huge problem converting the contracts to PDFs. I really couldn’t do jack about shit.
I needed to get away from the whole fucking situation for a while. Aptly, Hadi called me up for a lunch date. So I took off, and left my cell phone at home. Lunch was what I would call, a very necessary retreat. We walked home later. Three hours later.
I settled everything I needed to when I got back, which includes giving the little bitch a piece of my mind. Nobody, and I mean, nobody, fucks around with me.
On a lighter note, I took the rest of the day off and helped Mom out with dinner. That made her day. Mom and dad are going out of town for a couple of days. Hadi and I would have the house all to ourselves if he didn’t have to head back to camp tonight. It’s just too bad. But next weekend should be a blast.
It always is.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 03:29
Thursday, June 23, 2005
May The Best Man Win
this close to hurling my printer out the window right now.
Labels: Muse
'Ain at 00:05
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Beam Me Up, Scotty
There's no point to any of this. It's all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. So I take pleasure in the details. You know, a quarter-pounder with cheese (those are good), the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain... and then I sit back and I smoke my cigarettes and ride my own melt.
Labels: Muse
'Ain at 22:14
Monday, June 20, 2005
I'll Paint You Mornings Of Gold
Today was just another one of those days when you wake up in a house completely alone, and the first thing you do when you finally haul your ass out of bed, is fumble for a fag. And then you make coffee.
Then you grab the morning paper, flip the pages profusely while nothing seems to register in your throbbing head, and then it dawns on you that an entire week has just gone by, and all you did was shit loads of work.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 11:24
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Not Another New Beginning!
With all the new things going on, I figured, "Sure, why not add one more to the thousand and one things I already have to do right now?"
So I took the Friday night off to re-design this whole blog thing.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 01:55
Friday, June 17, 2005
Press Play
I took the liberty of trying to be completely unproductive today. So I stayed in and popped in a couple of DVDs. I picked reruns of Swimming Pool and Lost in Translation. But in my attempt to loaf through the afternoon, I ended up sketching out some very important proposals I've been procastinating to do. It’s funny how your boredom can be so inspiring sometimes.
Hadi called again today. He’s doing great in the
Army, and I'm actually adjusting to it really well. His cell phone was dying out, so we didn’t get the chance to talk much. I figured I’ll just update him when he gets back in a week. There’s so much to tell.
I’m giving Paul a call tomorrow. This uncertainty is really starting to bug me.
And dad’s on a painting rampage.
Labels: Daily Banter
'Ain at 19:19
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Under Construction
Come back later.
Labels: Muse
'Ain at 23:10