Thursday, September 22, 2005

There isn't much wisdom in a tooth

One week on the job, and I’m already taking a medical leave. Yesterday, I had a surgical procedure done in my mouth to get my wisdom tooth out. I’m having the worst case of migraine now – the kind you wake up to after someone’s whacked your head a few times with a wheel brace. And it doesn’t help that I’m perpetually salivating and spewing blood out of my mouth too.

Work has been pretty alright. I’ve been seeing strange human behaviour in the office. And I have really deranged people for colleagues – perks of the job I guess.


'Ain at 23:29


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A day of reckoning

You know you’re gonna have a bad day when you’re getting dressed in the morning and you stab yourself in the eye with your mascara applicator.


'Ain at 11:29


Monday, September 12, 2005

Humans have logically conflicting goals

Note to self:
I actually have to go to work today. Like how regular people do.


'Ain at 00:31


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Frankly my dear...

Today, I’ve made total use of my unproductive self by doing unproductive things – such as redesigning this blog for example.

Who gives a shit?


'Ain at 18:32


Thursday, September 08, 2005

I oughtta give you a shot in the head for...

What is it with some people? Particularly pseudointellectucals who feel they simply must have the last word to prove their imagined superiority. I know bolstering a sagging self-esteem is a major preoccupation with you guys, but for chrissakes, just shut up, will you? Why do they keep following and bleating after me? Have they been bombarded by the escalating decibels of their own whining for so long that they've gone completely deaf?

Whatever happened to no means no? I can't think of anything more annoying than someone who doesn't know when to take a hike. Alligators have thinner skin. Rush Limbaugh has more empathy.


'Ain at 12:24


Friday, September 02, 2005

Who's got trouble?

By chance (or a stroke of bad luck, depending on how you look at it), I met up with this guy over the weekend. Now I’m usually alright about meeting new people, but my experience over the weekend has left me with the conclusion that all men will fail me. And that eventually, I’m gonna have to resort to marrying Lin.

I swear, this guy was like a spawn from hell. Apart from the many other psychotic things he attempted to do on our first meeting, he also proposed for us to be married. The next day, it was like Satan unleashed. He kept calling and wouldn’t stop texting me, went berserk because I didn’t call him back, and then demanded that I dated him exclusively. And he was switching personalities so many fucking times, it was fucking driving me nuts. And then he said, “Baby, you don’t know what I’m capable of. Don’t you know I can give you the world?”

Yeah well, maybe I don’t want the fucking world. It's not like it's such a fucking great place anyway.


'Ain at 05:02


Fear is a man's best friend

Well you're up so high, how can you save me
When the dark comes here tonight to take me up
The mouth from woke and into bed
Where it kisses my face and eats my hand


'Ain at 04:51