Tuesday, June 13, 2006

There's a devil in our kiss

I, as a naïve, relatively new member of the workforce and a sceptic in the dating world, assumed that when I returned to the office today, I would be well-rested and ready to work. I thought I would even be a little happy to be back because, after coercing my way out of work on Friday, I had in total, three entire days without work. One would think that boredom would set in, partying and drinking would lose its fun, reality television its edge and dating would be mundane, and I would come back to the office with a cute pencil skirt and stilettos, the image of Cosmo’s working girl/woman.


I met him up at Blooie’s last night, and then kissed in his car again for hours. Till six in the morning.

That’s two nights/mornings in a row with this guy.

What the fuck’s going on?


'Ain at 13:38



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