Friday, November 24, 2006

The coming of age

I’ve a wedding to go to tonight and I’m not so crazy about the idea. Don’t get me wrong. Weddings are beautiful. I’m just not prepared for the mental turmoil which comes with them. Especially when my boyfriend doesn’t want to go. Especially when my best friend isn’t around to come with me and fill up the unrelenting “Yes, I’m a friend of the groom’s. Yes, I came alone. No, I’m not single and depressed. No, I do not want to meet your son who works as a PHP programmer/System analyst. No, I do not want more cake.” void.

Not on a Friday night, when I’d rather make the more pragmatic choice to embrace the weekend with open arms, and a ruthless amount of alcohol.


'Ain at 18:23



at 12:46 Blogger Rik Beans said...

Oh do link me up dahling. *muah*muah*

That's like so woman of me.


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