Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Closer To Eventual Demise

It’s almost 5 in the morning, and I can’t sleep.

My neighbourhood just got more interesting: another fight earlier tonight in the parking lot - this time it involved a man and a taxi driver. I watched the man collapse in the middle of the road, probably from a heart attack or something. And then I did the dumbest thing - I called the phone operator to report the incident.

I don’t know which was more disturbing – the man having a seizure, or the fact that I didn’t know what to dial “in case of emergency”.


'Ain at 04:48



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Rainbow discount information...

at 05:21 Blogger 'Ain said...

Okay, smarty pants. Well, I bet you didn't know that banging your head against the wall burns 150 calories.

Or the fact that all Europeans are blonde. I bet you didn't know that either. (Because I didn't, and you'll have to refer to Lin T about this)

Where is this going?

at 20:21 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey let me know if there's any other street fights goin on in your hood. Am a sucker for this kinda action-packed drama ;)

at 03:11 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your microwave kept running after you opened it and you ate the food anyway! LOL!!!!

Have anymore pics? please


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