Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Cause For Worry

I've recently been whiling away entire afternoons sat huddled by the bed, pouring over dust-encrusted letters, diaries and junk probably kept away around the turn of my adolescence. And I’m very proud to announce that I’ve finally packed all my NKTOB and Backstreet Boys memorabilia neatly into separate boxes.

I met Mervin up earlier today for pizza and beer. And I’ve been farting ever since. If this keeps up, I might just have enough gas to create energy for an atomic bomb.


'Ain at 12:05



at 06:20 Blogger Mad Munkey said...

I suggest you have someone else light the match and have a third party on hand with a firm grip on the video camera so you can keep it on video for posterity.

at 07:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...

good post... thanks.

at 22:44 Blogger :: ladyblackfeather :: said...

i misssssss you!!

at 23:04 Blogger :: ladyblackfeather :: said...

when are u revamping my blog for me? *grin

no really, when? preeety plsssssssssssss.....


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