Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I Will Do What I Dream

No more ignorance.

No more Deadly swamps of sadness.

No more Bogs of eternal stench.

No more Oubliettes.

Ready when you are.


'Ain at 21:14


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Darkness, Pure And Black As Night

Bastian: Why is it so dark?

Empress Moonchild: In the beginning it is always dark.

Bastian: What is that?

Empress Moonchild: One grain of sand. It is all that remains of my vast empire.


'Ain at 14:42


If You Come Any Closer, I Will Rip You To Shreds

Atreyu: I will not die easily. I am a warrior.

G’mork: (G'mork laughs.) Brave warrior, then fight The Nothing.

Atreyu: But I can't! I can't get beyond the boundaries of Fantasia.

Atreyu: What's so funny about that?

G’mork: Fantasia has no boundaries.

Atreyu: That's not true. You're lying.

G’mork: Foolish boy. Don't you know anything about Fantasia? It's the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.

Atreyu: But why is Fantasia dying then?

G’mork: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So The Nothing grows stronger.

Atreyu: What is The Nothing?!

G’mork: It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.

Atreyu: But why?

G’mork: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control. And whoever has control has the power.


'Ain at 14:03


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Oh, What Have We Got Here?

If you could actually get your head out of your ungrateful ass, then you've probably justified a few seconds of breathing the atmosphere. And if you do that regularly enough, maybe someday you'll even deserve your life.

Y'know what, I would love to just dissect you, disintegrate your ego and grind it into its pulp and shove it up where it hurts most.

There, I've fucking said it!


'Ain at 21:01